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Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
The history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the body
takes in and utilizes food substances, can be divided into four distinct eras: the first began in the
nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century when it was recognized for the first
time that food contained constituents that were essential for human function and that different foods
provided different amounts of these essential agents. Near the end of this era, research studies demonstrated that rapid weight loss was associated with nitrogen imbalance and could only be rectified
by providing adequate dietary protein associated with certain foods.


The second era was initiated in the early decades of the twentieth century and might be called
"the vitamin period. " Vitamins came to be recognized in foods, and deficiency syndromes were
described. As vitamins became recognized as essential food constituents necessary for health, it became
tempting to suggest that every disease and condition for which there had been no previous effective
treatment might be responsive to vitamin therapy. At that point in time, medical schools started to
become more interested in having their curricula integrate nutritional concepts into the basic sciences.
Much of the focus of this education was on the recognition of deficiency symptoms. Herein lay the
beginning of what ultimately turned from ignorance to denial of the value of nutritional therapies in
medicine. Reckless claims were made for effects of vitamins that went far beyond what could actually
be achieved from the use of them.


In the third era of nutritional history in the early 1950's to mid-1960's, vitamin therapy began to
fall into disrepute. Concomitant with this, nutrition education in medical schools also became less popular.
It was just a decade before this that many drug companies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing
and were quick to supply practicing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling
the virtue of supplementation for a variety of health-related conditions. Expectations as to the success of
vitamins in disease control were exaggerated. As is known in retrospect, vitamin and mineral therapies
are much less effective when applied to health-crisis conditions than when applied to long-term problems
of under nutrition that lead to chronic health problems.
Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The stages of development of clinical nutrition as a field of study
B. The effects of vitamins on the human body
C. Nutritional practices of the nineteenth century
D. The history of food preferences from the nineteenth century to the present


Question 2: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following discoveries was made during the first era in the history of nutrition?
A. Effective techniques of weight loss were determined.
B. Vitamins were synthesized from foods.
C. Certain foods were found to be harmful to good health.
D. Protein was recognized as an essential component of diet.


Question 3: The word “tempting” is closet in meaning to ............
A. realistic

B. attractive

C. correct

D. necessary

Question 4: It can be inferred from the passage that medical schools began to teach concepts of nutrition in order to ............
A. encourage medical doctors to apply concepts of nutrition in the treatment of disease
B. convince medical doctors to participate in research studies on nutrition
C. convince doctors to conduct experimental vitamin therapies on their patients
D. support the creation of artificial vitamins

Question 5: The word “reckless” is closest in meaning to ............
A. informative

B. recorded

C. irresponsible

D. urgent

Question 6: The word “them” refers to ............
A. therapies

B. vitamins

C. effects

D. claims

Question 7: Why did vitamin therapy begin losing favor in the 1950s?
A. The public lost interest in vitamins.
B. Nutritional research was of poor quality.
C. Claims for the effectiveness of vitamin therapy were seen to be exaggerated.
D. Medical schools stopped teaching nutritional concepts.


Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 8: - “How about giving me a hand?” - “............”
A. I promise

B. No, not yet
C. You’re welcome

D. Sure. I’d be glad to help

Question 9: - Ken: “I’ve got to go, Tom. So long” - Tom: “So long, Ken. And ............”
A. be careful

B. don’t hurry

C. take care

D. don’t take it seriously

Choose the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: In Africa, many children die from not having enough food.
A. poverty

B. starvation

C. drought

D. malnutrition

Question 11: Unless I miss my guess, your computer needs a new hard drive.
A. you are my guess

B. I break the soft drive
C. I make a mistake

D. you lack money

Choose the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 12: Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same
A. restrain

B. remain unstable

C. fluctuate

D. stay unchanged

Question 13: In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements.
A. something enjoyable

B. something to stiffer
C. something sad

D. something to entertain

Pick out the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 14: The more cigarettes you smoke, ........... you will die.
A. the easier

B. more sooner

C. the sooner

D. faster

Question 15: We prevent and severely deal ........... negative practices in teaching, learning and examination.
A. with

B. on

C. in

D. of

Question 16: Mike isn’t on the phone, ........... makes it difficult to contact him.
A. whom

B. who

C. that

D. which

Question 17: You ........... carry that carpel home yourself; the shop will send it.
A. can’t

B. couldn’t

C. needn’t

D. mustn’t

Question 18: He is a great sports ............ He rarely misses any sport games although he was busy.
A. player

B. enthusiast

C. energy

D. programmer

Question 19: She listened so attentively that not a word ............
A. she had missed

B. she missed

C. she didn’t miss

D. did she miss

Question 20: My mother asked me ............
A. which tertiary institution did I choose

B. which tertiary institution I choose
C. which tertiary institution I would choose

D. which tertiary institution will I choose

Question 21: Neither my dad nor my mom ........... of the idea.
A. wasn’t convinced

B. was convinced

C. convinced

D. were convinced

Question 22: Theresa walked past me without saying a word. She ........... me.
A. can’t have seen

B. can’t see

C. can’t have been seen

D. can be seen

Question 23: Tim looks so frightened and upset. He ........... something terrible.
A. must experience

B. can have experienced
C. should have experienced

D. must have experienced

Question 24: A penalty shot is ........... when a major foul is committed inside the 5-meter line.
A. prevented

B. awarded

C. committed

D. ranged

Question 25: We may win, we may lose – It just the ........... of the draw.
A. chance

B. strike

C. odds

D. luck

Question 26: When ........... to explain his mistake, the new employee cleared his throat nervously.
A. asking

B. asked

C. to be asking

D. be asked

Question 27: A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ............
A. review

B. reviewing

C. reviewer

D. reviewed

Question 28: To improve its athletes’ ..........., Viet Nam has regularly exchanged delegation of sport
officials, coaches, referees and athletes with other countries.
A. team

B. competitor

C. appearance

D. performance

Question 29: Farmers get rid ........... weeds by spraying.
A. off

B. of

C. out

D. away

Question 30: The more goals the players ..........., the more exciting the match became.
A. marke

B. made

C. scored

D. sprinted

Question 31: It is vital that Alice ........... Tom of the meeting tomorrow.
A. must remind

B. remind

C. reminds

D. will remind

Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

Question 32 A. accompany B. category C. defender D. advice
Question 33 A. retail B. vacancy C. interview D. fantastic

Read the following passage and pick out the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need
for such everyday (34) ........... as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the
specialized training they may need to prepare for a job or career. For example, a person must meet
certain educational requirements and obtain a certificate before he can practice law or medicine. Many
fields, like computer operation or police work, (35) ........... satisfactory completion of special training


Education is also important (36) ........... it helps people get more out of life. It increases their
knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more
interesting and enjoyable, (37) ........... the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a
musical instrument. Such education becomes (38) ........... important as people gain more and more
leisure time.

Question 34 A. works B. activities C. actions D. jobs
Question 35 A. requires B. requiring C. require D. to require
Question 36 A. therefore B. despite C. although D. because
Question 37 A. such as B. for instance C. such that D. for example
Question 38 A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. increasingly

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

Question 39 A. pens B. books C. phones D. tables
Question 40 A. delivered B. enveloped C. talked D. washed

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions below.
Since the early 1980s, we began to worry about the bad effects of environmental pollution. It is
the result of industrialization and of the careless use of the natural resources. Avoiding pollution is not
easy. Many people try not to inhale traffic fumes and keep away from chemical waste by wearing mask
when they get out of their house. Actually, indoor pollution is becoming more and more serious. They
have found that dishwasher, washing machines, air conditioners, freezers, and refrigerators emit some
certain toxic chemicals into the air. We surely inhale these chemicals when doing housework. Using gas
cookers and burning candles produce carbon monoxide.


Therefore, before worrying about environmental pollution when going out, we should consider the problems of indoor pollution.
Question 41: Environmental pollution ............
A. was not known in 1908s

C. has bad effects
B. is carelessly used

D. is the use of natural resources

Question 42: Industrialization and the careless use of natural resources ............
A. have good effects on environment

C. lead to environmental pollution
B. do no harm to environment

D. happened in 1980s

Question 43: Pollution ............
A. can be avoided easily

C. has no relation to industrialization
B. can’t be avoided easily

D. is not caused by traffic

Question 44: When we stay at home, ............
A. we are not affected by pollution

C. we do not inhale dangerous chemicals
B. we always wear a mask

D. we are still influenced by indoor pollution

Question 45: Inside house ............
A. there is no pollution

C. carbon monoxide is produced by gas cookers
B. there are no toxic chemicals

D. there is no carbon monoxide

Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 46: We advised that he drank water in that bottle.
A. advised

B. drank

C. in

D. that

Question 47: If I had known she was ill, I would go to visit her.
A. had

B. was

C. would go

D. visit her

Question 48: The room is such dirty that it needs cleaning immediately.
A. such

B. needs

C. cleaning

D. immediately

Choose the correct answers so that they have the same meaning with the provided ones.
Question 49: Nobody at all came to the meeting.
A. Only a few people came to the meeting.

B. Not a single person came to the meeting
C. There was almost nobody at the meeting .

D. Not many people came to the meeting.

Question 50: Tony used to play the guitar in a band.
A. Tony no longer play the guitar in a band.
B. Tony does not play the guitar in a band no more.
C. Tony doesn’t like to play the guitar in a band any longer.
D. No longer does Tony play the guitar in a band.