• tiếng anh cấp II
  • Lớp 8
  • Unit 4: Our customs and traditions
  • Lesson 1 (SGK): Ôn tập should, shouldn't; Cách dùng của have to
  • Lesson 1 (SGK): Ôn tập should, shouldn't; Cách dùng của have to

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    A) Ôn tập should, shouldn't

    Xem lại lý thuyết và làm bài tập thực hành về cách dùng của should, shouldn't: 



    B) Cách dùng của have to 

      Công thức  Ví dụ
    Thể khẳng định

    S + have to/has to + infinitive 

    I have to do the housework weekly
    Thể phủ định 

    S + don’t/doesn’t have to + infinitive

    You don't have do that if you don’t want to
    Thể nghi vấn 

    Do/ Does + S + have to + infinitive ?

    Do you have to clean the house?


    NOTE: Có một vài trường hợp sử dụng “have to” khác mà chúng ta cần phải ghi nhớ:

    ► have to có nghĩa là phải mang tính chất làm vì nghĩa vụ, nhiệm vụ, bổn phận do nguyên nhân bên ngoài.

    Ex: I have to do my homework. 


    ►  have to còn diễn tả một việc nào đó ngoài ý muốn mà chúng ta phải làm.

    Ex: You have to go to bed right now 


    II. BÀI TẬP 

    2) Match the situations in A and the advice in B ( Page 41 ) 



    1. Your sister is chewing and talking at the same time.

    A. You should arrive on time.


    2. Your brother is noisy at the pagoda.

    B. You shouldn't do that. It's not very polite.

    3. Your foreign friend has been invited to dinner in a Vietnamese house.

    C. Shhhh! You should be quiet in here.


    4. You don't know what to do when going into a Japanese house.

    D. You should take off your shoes at the entrance.


    5. You have been invited to dinner with a British family.

    E. After taking food from the plate, you should put it into your bowl before eating.


    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1 - b

    2 - c

    3 - e

    4 - d

    5 - a


    3) Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to ( Page 42 ) 

    1. My mother says that I..................be home by 9 p.m. sharp.

    2. We ................go now because our dad is waiting for us.

    3. She ................wear that costume because it's the family tradition.

    4. In the past, men................wear ao dai, but today they ................wear it.

    5. Before leaving the dinner table,................ your son................ask for permission?

    6. We go to school today because it was................raining heavily.

    ĐÁP ÁN:

    1. have to

    2. have to

    3. has to

    4. had to, don't have to

    5. does ... have to

    6. have to